Campus Information
Claremont School of Theology (CST) is bounded by Foothill Boulevard on the South, College Avenue on the East, Claremont Collegiate Apartments on the North, and Claremont United Methodist Church on the West.
CST is open Monday through Friday (with holiday exceptions) from 8:30am-5:00pm.
CST does not maintain a Campus Safety or Security department. All emergencies should be reported by calling 911. Non-emergency crimes can be reported to the Claremont Police Department by calling (909) 399-5411 or visiting 570 W Bonita Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711.
A CST Crime Report Form can be obtained by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. Please return completed forms to the Campus Safety Officer: Beth Parker via mail 1325 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 or via mailbox located within the Office of Administration and Finance (Business Office) on the 2nd floor of the Butler Building.
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report can be obtained by clicking the respective link at the bottom of this page.
Emergency Alert/Notification System (RAVE)
CST has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system capable of delivering messages to your registered email addresses as well as land lines and cell phones.
We have enrolled all persons with a CST email address in the program at no expense to the addressee. We encourage all addressees to login to the Rave Mobile Safety site to confirm their contact information and choose notification preferences, even if s/he has been previously enrolled. (Please note that cellular phone providers may charge a per-text message fee for the delivery of emergency notifications to mobile phones). If contact information is not updated, alert notifications will be sent via email as the default notification method.
To manage a Rave account, please visit Select the “Forgot Password” link to enter the applicable username and have a temporary password reset link emailed to the addressee. The username is the addressee’s school email address (i.e. for students John Doe would be; staff and faculty write Jane Doe as
If anyone is in need of assistance logging into his or her Rave account, please contact the Help Desk at to create a help ticket. One of our technicians will respond as soon as possible.
During the annual fire/earthquake drill in October, a test notification will be sent through the alert system to ensure all community members are registered and aware of the drill status.
Contact Us
CST Main Line: 909.447.2500
Office of the President
Office of Admissions
Office of Registrar
Office of Development
Alumni/ae Office
Media & Public Relations