A Progressive Interreligious Theological School

For such a time as this

Mary Pearce is using her CST education to bring healing and wholeness... ...

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Imam Dr. Jihad Saafir developed one of the first organizations of its ...

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Rev. Brenda Bos

Rev. Brenda Bos was elected as the first openly lesbian bishop in ...

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United Methodist pastor Rev. John Griffin-Atil is the founding executive director of ...

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Rev. Dr. Nikia Smith-Robert

Rev. Dr. Nikia Smith Robert empowers churches to imagine a world beyond ...

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USAF Capt. Mir M. Ali

U.S. Air Force Captain Mir M. Ali ministered 24/7 to evacuees during ...

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Nina Fernando

Nina Fernando envisions an America where people of all backgrounds are treated ...

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Dr. Mazvita Machinga

Dr. Mazvita Machinga founded the only registered psychotherapist center in Mutare, Zimbabwe. ...

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Dr. Woonjoo Baek

Dr. Woonjoo Baek led his church through conflict and turmoil back to ...

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Mary Pearce
MA ‘12
  • Women's Spiritual Counselor, Hospice Chaplain, and Licensed Minister
  • CST helped her embrace her callings as womanist, liberationist, interreligious, and spiritually forming
  • Embodies dynamic contextual leadership

Did You Know?

Mary Pearce is using her CST education to bring healing and wholeness...

"CST shaped my calling by giving me the knowledge to decide what type of spiritual leader I want to be – womanist, liberationist, interreligious and spiritually forming."

At CST, Pearce learned that "these leadership types, individually or collectively, can foster congruence or incongruence" and how to "assess when it's essential to use these leadership types or lose them."

Imam Dr. Jihad Saafir
MA ‘14, PhD ‘21
  • Developed an inner city community center
  • Supports people experiencing homelessness
  • Founded a K-8 microschool

Did You Know?

Imam Dr. Jihad Saafir developed one of the first organizations of its kind in the US.

Islah LA is a South Los Angeles community center that offers a food pantry, transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness, and a program that supports, educates, and instills renewed confidence in formerly incarcerated individuals.

Jihad serves as the Director of Islah LA and as the Director and Arabic Instructor at Islah Academy, a K-8 microschool he also founded. Islah Academy implements a restorative justice teaching methodology designed specifically as a tool to break the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Rev. Brenda Bos
Rev. Brenda Bos
MDiv ‘11
  • First openly lesbian bishop in ELCA
  • CST faculty helped her find her voice
  • Values CST’s interreligious commitment

Did You Know?

Rev. Brenda Bos was elected as the first openly lesbian bishop in the ELCA.

Elected as bishop of the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 2021, Rev. Bos sees CST’s world-class faculty as crucial to her spiritual formation, and vocational discernment. She credits them with helping her live into God’s unique call on her life, strengthening her spiritual life, and helping her find her distinctive voice.

She is “forever grateful” for the way CST’s interreligious and ecumenical commitment sharpened her Lutheran articulation and gave her “greater sensitivity to the faith journeys of others.”

Rev. John Griffin-Atil
MDiv ‘90
  • Broadway Sing-Along Sundays rejuvenated declining West Hollywood congregation
  • Founding executive director of Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center
  • Developing low-income housing & community engagement center including a LGBTQ+ youth drop-in program

Did You Know?

United Methodist pastor Rev. John Griffin-Atil is the founding executive director of Imperial Beach Neighborhood Center.

Rev. Griffin-Atil organized "Broadway Sing-Along Sundays" to rejuvenate a declining West Hollywood congregation in an area adverse to religious participation, and is now developing low-income housing and a community engagement center including a LGBTQ+ youth drop-in program, dormitory, and a two-year fellowship program.

He is also a lay Zen Buddhist, a long-term AIDS survivor, and was recently nominated as the first openly LGBTQ member of The United Methodist Cal-Pac Conference Board of Ordained Ministry.

Rev. Dr. Nikia Smith-Robert
Rev. Dr. Nikia Smith Robert
PhD '21
  • Founded Abolitionist Sanctuary
  • Reshaping ideas of policing and justice
  • CST was the incubator

Did You Know?

Rev. Dr. Nikia Smith Robert empowers churches to imagine a world beyond policing, prisons, and punishment.

Dr. Robert founded Abolitionist Sanctuary, a faith-based coalition united against the moral crisis of mass incarceration and the criminalization of impoverished Black motherhood.

While earning a PhD in Religion with a focus on ethics and public policy, CST served an incubator for her ideas. She is grateful for the strong emphasis that CST places on connecting theory with praxis to make a transformative social impact.

USAF Capt. Mir M. Ali
USAF Capt. Mir M. Ali
MDiv ‘15
  • Joined the Air Force in 1999
  • One of first CST grads specializing in Interfaith Chaplaincy
  • Guided by Qur’an to serve refugees

Did You Know?

U.S. Air Force Captain Mir M. Ali ministered 24/7 to evacuees during the U.S. Afghanistan withdrawal.

Almost overnight, Mir – the only Muslim Armed Forces chaplain serving with Operation Allies Refuge at Ramstein Air Base and throughout Europe – went from tending to the spiritual needs of a small USAF community to providing hope to thousands of Afghan refugees living in tents.

Mir feels connected to refugees culturally, ethnically, and by faith, and noticed their deep gratitude for ministerial support and his ability to communicate in a language that is familiar to them (Urdu/Hindi).

Nina Fernando
Nina Fernando
MA ‘13
  • Exec. Director of Shoulder to Shoulder campaign
  • Works to end anti-Muslim hatred and violence
  • Always recommends CST

Did You Know?

Nina Fernando envisions an America where people of all backgrounds are treated with respect and dignity. As Executive Director of the non-profit Shoulder to Shoulder, she helps equip faith leaders to be strategic partners in countering discrimination and violence against Muslims. She has also served as a Faith-rooted Organizer at Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, a LankaCorps Fellow in Sri Lanka, and a OneBeat Fellow.

Nina says her MA program at CST offered the opportunity for exploration around critical thinking. “I loved my experience, and if I know of anyone who is in a place where they might consider a school of theology, I always point to Claremont.”

Dr. Mazvita Machinga
Dr. Mazvita Machinga
MTS '05, PhD '12
  • Volunteers clinical services in Mutare
  • Teaches and provides services at Africa University
  • Grateful for CST’s integrative approach

Did You Know?

Dr. Mazvita Machinga founded the only registered psychotherapist center in Mutare, Zimbabwe. In addition to volunteering her clinical services at Pastoral Care and Counseling Services (PCCS), she also teaches and serves as the University Counselor at Africa University.

“I’m proud to be a practical theologian, pastoral psychotherapist, and mental health specialist…At CST, my training in psychotherapy and counseling taught me how to integrate psychological, theological, ethical, and spiritual frames of reference when offering counseling.”

Mazvita hopes to one day secure financial assistance to build a Pastoral Care and Wellness Center.

Dr. Woonjoo Baek
Dr. Woonjoo Baek
MDiv '95, DMin '97
  • Revitalized his struggling church
  • Serves as board chair at Seoul Theological University
  • Draws upon his deep faith

Did You Know?

Dr. Woonjoo Baek led his church through conflict and turmoil back to health.

When he was appointed to Evangelical Holiness Church in South Korea, it had just lost 500 members. Through the uncertainty, Dr. Baek pressed on and today he works from sunup to sundown at the church of 3000+ members.

Dr. Baek, who also serves as chair of the board of Seoul Theological University, has never regretted his decision to respond to his call to ministry. Now a husband, father, and grandfather, he still believes that seeking and following God’s guidance is the only way.

Moving forward - together

As renewed attacks target the most vulnerable among us, I want to reaffirm Claremont School of Theology’s unwavering commitment to our core principles of compassion, justice, and belonging. These values are not just ideals; they are the foundation of who we are and what we do. [READ MORE BY CLICKING THE HEADLINE]

Response to the Los Angeles Fires

We are deeply saddened by the widespread devastation caused by the ongoing fires in Los Angeles. Our hearts go out to all who are impacted, and we hold them in our prayers during this difficult time. [READ MORE BY CLICKING THE HEADLINE]

CST Mourns the Passing of John Cobb

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of John Cobb’s passing on December 26, 2024. Today, we mourn the loss of one of the great “giants of the theological world,” a man whose profound wisdom, compassion, and boundless love left an indelible mark on all who knew him—and on the world itself. [READ MORE BY CLICKING THE HEADLINE]

What we stand for ...


We believe that leaders should have a capacity to be moved by, and act to alleviate, suffering in the world.


We believe in the just and equitable treatment, inclusion, and representation of the incredible diversity reflected in today’s world.


We believe that our biological hardwiring thrives when in deep relationship with others.

CST by the Numbers ...

of CST students are BIPOC
0 %
in scholarships awarded each year
$ 0 mil
different faith traditions
0 +

Our Faculty ...

Hear from those who will journey alongside you

Ready to answer the call? Whether for ordination or chaplaincy preparation, the 72-credit MDiv is a foundational theological degree that will equip you to both lead and serve.

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Become equipped to meet real-world needs by diving deeply into past traditions, present dialogue, and a continuing quest for understanding and wisdom. This 48-credit degree combines academic depth with vocational exploration, preparing you for further graduate study, religious leadership, or personal enrichment.

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Respond to the world’s critical needs by cultivating dialogue and forging paths of reconciliation. This 48-credit degree prepares students to transform the world through the area of focus of your choice, tailored to your context. Are you ready to get your hands dirty?

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You’ve started the trek. Now let us help you carry the load. Study with a diverse group of peers and mentors and apply your coursework to your own ministry context.

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Take the next step by becoming a thought leader, contributing to both the academic community and society at large. Are you up to the challenge?

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Expand your knowledge and add your own voice to the ever-growing library of religious imagination.

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Designed for Korean counselors or religious professionals who seek to practice spiritually integrated psychotherapy, the 36-credit DPC will propel you, personally and professionally, into an elevated stratum of research, clinical practice, and leadership.

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Designed especially for early- and mid-career professionals who are called to bring spiritual practice into their work and leadership, this fully online 36-credit degree is for all who believe we have the power to transform our leadership models and our world when we pay attention, seek to be astonished, and tell about it.

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Ready to answer the call? Whether for ordination or chaplaincy preparation, the 72-credit MDiv is a foundational theological degree that will equip you to both lead and serve.

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Become equipped to meet real-world needs by diving deeply into past traditions, present dialogue, and a continuing quest for understanding and wisdom. This 48-credit degree combines academic depth with vocational exploration, preparing you for further graduate study, religious leadership, or personal enrichment.

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Respond to the world’s critical needs by cultivating dialogue and forging paths of reconciliation. This 48-credit degree prepares students to transform the world through the area of focus of your choice, tailored to your context. Are you ready to get your hands dirty?

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You’ve started the trek. Now let us help you carry the load. Study with a diverse group of peers and mentors and apply your coursework to your own ministry context.

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Take the next step by becoming a thought leader, contributing to both the academic community and society at large. Are you up to the challenge?

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Expand your knowledge and add your own voice to the ever-growing library of religious imagination.

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Designed for Korean counselors or religious professionals who seek to practice spiritually integrated psychotherapy, the 36-credit DPC will propel you, personally and professionally, into an elevated stratum of research, clinical practice, and leadership.

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Designed especially for early- and mid-career professionals who are called to bring spiritual practice into their work and leadership, this fully online 36-credit degree is for all who believe we have the power to transform our leadership models and our world when we pay attention, seek to be astonished, and tell about it.

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