Religious traditions move humanity the way music moves our bodies. It’s a natural reaction. Soothing, stimulating, discordant or brash – for much of human history religion has been the spiritual soundtrack of our lives. Even as some try to tune out traditional religious influence, the sacred instinct remains. The transcendent hunger persists. The Master of Theological Studies exists so you can understand the multicultural composition of a community and work with, between and among its acute religious effects – in all their permutations: collaboration, restoration, integration, conflict, even studied indifference. If you consider inter- and intra-religious dialogue a sacred task, then getting grounded in Christian history and tradition is the first step to a resilient faith that can tune in to all the divine influences at work in the world.

Quick look

Master of Theological Studies
Program Length
Example Courses
48 credits (2 years)
Fully Remote
Creative areas of focus (below)
Formation: Spiritual Pracictes
No summative project
Vocational Praxis
Program Length 48 credits (2 years)
Modalities Fully Remote
Features Creative areas of focus (below)
Example Courses Formation: Spiritual Pracictes
Program Length
Modalities Hybrid
Features No summative project
Example Courses Vocational Praxis
Program Length
Example Courses

Activism & Social Justice

African & African-American Religious Studies

Arts, Religion, & Culture

Comparative Studies in Religion

Constructive & Political Theology

Contemplative Leadership

Contemplative Studies

Decolonial Studies

Dharma Traditions

Ecology & Spirituality

Ecological Civilization

Engaged Compassion

Ethics & Social Change

Hebrew Bible & Jewish Studies

History of Christianity

Interfaith Care & Counseling

Interreligious Education

Islam in Interreligious Dialogue

Jain Studies

New Testament & Christian Origins

Pacific & Asian American Studies in Religion

Philosophy of Religion

Practical Theology

Preaching for Liberation

Process Studies

Religion & the Arts

Religion, Ethics, & Society

Religious Education

Sexuality, Gender, & Religion

Spiritual Formation

Spirituality & Sustainability

Social Change


United Methodist Studies

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