Andrew Schwartz

Associate Professor of Process & Comparative Theology

Dr. Schwartz is a scholar, organizer, and social entrepreneur. As a comparative philosopher and theologian, his teaching and research specializations include religious pluralism, process thought, and ecological civilization. With a particular interest in promoting the common good, Dr. Schwartz employs a constructive approach to theology and philosophy oriented toward addressing our world’s most pressing problems. His recent work has been focused on the development of a new paradigm for addressing religious disputes grounded in the pluralistic insights of Jainism, as well as the role of high-impact philosophy in the transition toward a more sustainable and just future. Dr. Schwartz is also Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of the Institute for Ecological Civilization (, Co-Chair of the Open & Relational Theologies Unit of the American Academy of Religion, Managing Editor of Process Studies journal.

Recent publications include: Process Cosmology edited by Wm. Andrew Schwartz, Andrew M. Davis, and Maria-Teresa Teixeira (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming); Nature in Process: Organic Proposals in Philosophy, Society, and Religion edited with Andrew M. Davis and Maria-Teresa Teixeira (Process Century Press, forthcoming); “Philosophical Roots of the Ecological Crisis: The Process-Relational Worldview and Integral Ecology” (Berkley Forum, 2020); “Panentheism and Panexperientialism for Open and Relational Theology,” with Thomas Jay Oord in Panentheism and Panpsychism: Philosophy of Religion Meets Philosophy of Mind, edited by Godehard Brüntrup, Benedikt Paul Göcke, and Ludwig Jaskolla (Brill, 2020); “Seven Tips for Becoming a Better Leader: An Open-Relational Perspective,” in Open and Relational Leadership: Leading with Love edited by Sheri Kling, Roland Hearn, and Thomas Oord (SacraSage Press, 2020); What is Ecological Civilization?: Crisis, Hope, and the Future of the Planet by Philip Clayton and Wm. Andrew Schwartz (Process Century Press, 2019); Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God? Four Views, edited by Ronnie Campbell and Christopher Gnanakan (Zondervan, 2019); The Metaphysics of Paradox: Jainism, Absolute Relativity, and Religious Pluralism (Lexington Books, 2018); and Putting Philosophy to Work: Toward an Ecological Civilization, edited with John B. Cobb, Jr. (Process Century Press, 2018).



BA, Northwest Nazarene University
MA, Nazarene Theological Seminary
MA, Claremont Graduate University
PhD, Claremont Graduate University


Process Cosmology edited by Wm. Andrew Schwartz, Andrew M. Davis, and Maria-Teresa Teixeira (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).

Nature in Process: Organic Proposals in Philosophy, Society, and Religion edited by Wm. Andrew Schwartz, Andrew M. Davis, and Maria-Teresa Teixeira (Process Century Press, forthcoming).

“Philosophical Roots of the Ecological Crisis: The Process-Relational Worldview and Integral Ecology” (Berkley Forum, 2020)

“Panentheism and Panexperientialism for Open and Relational Theology,” by Wm. Andrew Schwartz and Thomas Jay Oord in Panentheism and Panpsychism: Philosophy of Religion Meets Philosophy of Mind, edited by Godehard Brüntrup, Benedikt Paul Göcke, and Ludwig Jaskolla (Brill, 2020).

“Seven Tips for Becoming a Better Leader: An Open-Relational Perspective,” in Open and Relational Leadership: Leading with Love edited by Sheri Kling, Roland Hearn, and Thomas Oord (SacraSage Press, 2020).

What is Ecological Civilization?: Crisis, Hope, and the Future of the Planet by Philip Clayton and Wm. Andrew Schwartz (Process Century Press, 2019).

Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God? Four Views, edited by Ronnie Campbell and Christopher Gnanakan (Zondervan, 2019).

The Metaphysics of Paradox: Jainism, Absolute Relativity, and Religious Pluralism (Lexington Books, 2018)

Putting Philosophy to Work: Toward an Ecological Civilization, edited with John B. Cobb, Jr. (Process Century Press, 2018)

Embracing the Past—Forging the Future: A New Generation of Wesleyan Theology, edited with John M. Bechtold (Pickwick Publications, 2015)

“Anekāntavāda (Jainism).” In Buddhism and Jainism, edited by K.T.S. Sarao and Jeffery D. Long. The Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, series edited by Arvind Sharma (Springer, 2017), pgs 118-123.

“Relativity (Jainism).” In Buddhism and Jainism, edited by K.T.S. Sarao and Jeffery D. Long. The Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, series edited by Arvind Sharma (Springer, 2017), pgs 1005-1011.

“Syādvāda (Jainism).” In Buddhism and Jainism, edited by K.T.S. Sarao and Jeffery D. Long. The Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, series edited by Arvind Sharma (Springer, 2017), pgs 1162-1167.

“Truth (Jainism).” In Buddhism and Jainism, edited by K.T.S. Sarao and Jeffery D. Long. The Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, series edited by Arvind Sharma (Springer, 2017).


A great theological education dismantles everything you assumed to be “right” and helps you rebuild with true understanding. My CST experience was life-altering. I am changed and on fire to transform the world.
Abigail Clauhs '17