Lincoln E. Galloway
K. Morgan Edwards Professor of HomileticsCoordinator of the Mentoring D.Min. Program
Lincoln E. Galloway, a native of Montserrat, teaches and researches in the areas of Homiletics and New Testament studies. An active elder in The United Methodist Church, his interests blend pastoral concerns with socio-rhetorical approaches to biblical texts and critical engagement of liberative theologies for exegetical and homiletical tasks.
Email: lgalloway@cst.edu
BEd, University of West Indies
MDiv, Candler School of Theology
PhD, Emory University
“Black Rhythms and Consciousness: Authentic Being and Pedagogy” in Being Black Teaching Black: Politics and Pedagogy in Religious Studies (Abingdon Press, 2008 )
Freedom in the Gospel: Paul’s Exemplum in 1 Cor. 9 in Conversation with the Discourses of Epictetus and Philo (Peeters, 2004)