A Vision for Our Collective Flourishing and Becoming from Dr. Yohana Junker

Saudaçōes, Companheires,

My name is Yohana A. Junker, and I currently serve CST as Assistant Professor of Art, Spirituality, and Culture, as well as Associate Dean for Spiritual Life and Social Transformation. 

My research and publications probe the intersections of art, spirituality, and decolonial/interreligious/and eco-critical praxes, paying particular attention to contemporary art in the Américas. As a visual artist myself, my art embodies a poetics of resistance, healing, and the centering of QTBIPOC communities. 

CST has been critical in my trajectory as an artist-scholar-educator. It has encouraged me to investigate how artists, spiritual seekers, and healers create sacred spaces that allow us all to reclaim our sense of agency and wholeness even in the face of impossibility. CST has emboldened me to seek a creative life that places compassion, justice, transformation, liberation, and belonging at the heart of everything I do. It has allowed me to show up in my fullness and complexity, whether I am teaching, developing strategic initiatives, writing, speaking, or leading arts-based facilitation.

This video you are about to watch (below) is a case in point. Here, I was able to combine my many interests for art, religion, history, culture, filmmaking, and creative expression to tell you a story of how our Global South siblings found ways to activate creative change to both face the past and co-create a present and future that is purposeful, fearless, transformative, and intentional. 

It is my hope you can continue to support CST’s  interreligious, intercultural, and collective becoming.

Com carinho e mutualidade,


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As always, thank you for your continuing support of CST students and of CST’s world-changing, interfaith, and intercultural mission.