Statement from President Hagiya on Recent US Supreme Court Decisions

We lament the recent Supreme Court decisions, which struck down the use of affirmative action in higher education, gave permission for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, and blocked even modest relief for overburdened student loans borrowers. As a school and community who center ourselves on compassion–the capacity to be moved by and act to alleviate suffering in the world; justice–a set of practices that promote equality, inclusion, and representation for all community members; and belonging–a fundamental human need to build communities of connection, accountability, and care, we cannot remain silent while systems of racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and classism continue to shape the policies of the United States and the lives of its residents.

We stand in solidarity with those most directly impacted by these decisions and we reaffirm our commitment to creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, supported, and included, and where individuals are trained and equipped to be agents of transformation and healing in our world.

Grant Hagiya, President

Claremont School of Theology