A strong leader needs a center of gravity. A place from which they motivate their ministry with confidence, compassion, and humility. In this M. Div. track, the center is a deep well of Christian wisdom, strength and hope. The kind of grounding in history, ethics and practice that allows a person to move boldly in a world of great diversity.

That’s why you begin with classes in biblical context, yet also train in cultural fluency. In other words, you learn to take thousands of years of Christian experience and focus it on the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. Along the way you study systematic theology, worship and the arts, spiritual care and preaching skills. With leadership coursework and field education, you will have the insights, empowerment and empathy to lead in a wildly exciting new world.

M.Div. in Ministerial Leadership Curriculum:

Required Courses – 12 courses, 36 credits

TIR3001 Interreligious Dialogue and Leadership (Intensive)

THB3007 The Hebrew Bible in Context

THC3007 History of World Christianities

TRE3001 Introduction to Religious Education (Hybrid)

TTH3036 Systematic Theology

TNT3003 The New Testament in Context

TEC3001 Introduction to Christian Ethics

TWP3015 Introduction to Christian Worship and the Arts (Hybrid)

TSC3004 Theories and Practices of Spiritual Care

TWP3013 Preaching in the Worship Context (Hybrid)

TCE3075 Religious Leadership (Hybrid)

TRE3040 Vocational Praxis (Intensive)

Required Formation Sequence – 4 courses, 12 credits (Hybrid courses)

TSF3008 Formation: Spiritual Practices

TCS3000 Formation: Cultural Fluency

TCE3080 Formation: Field Education I

TCE3081 Formation: Field Education II

Free Electives and Denominational Studies – 8 courses, 24 credits

Total Credits to Complete M. Div. Degree Program – 72 credits

FOR STUDENTS SEEKING UMC ORDINATION: United Methodist students preparing for ordination will have 25 classes rather than 24, to complete the 72-credit M.Div. degree program. There are 5 UM studies classes, totaling 12 credits. TDS3000 United Methodist Doctrine (2 credits/Summer); TDS3001 United Methodist History (2 credits/Summer); TDS3002 United Methodist Polity (2 credits/Summer); TDS3045 Christian Mission (3  credits/Fall); TDS3039 Christian Evangelism (3 credits/Spring).

Want to learn more?

Reach out to the Admissions Counselor for this program, Karen Gonzalez, by emailing kgonzalez@cst.edu or by using the below link to submit an inquiry form.

Request information

Learn more about this program by submitting this inquiry form.

Requirements and Deadlines

Take a look at this program’s admissions requirements and deadlines by clicking here.

Contact Admissions

Please contact the Office of Admissions with any questions by emailing admission@cst.edu.

A great theological education dismantles everything you assumed to be “right” and helps you rebuild with true understanding. My CST experience was life-altering. I am changed and on fire to transform the world.
Abigail Clauhs '17