This track is the starting point for a career, or a catalyst for a career change. It can reinvigorate your current professional trajectory. Or it can add spark to a well-traveled life. In other words, the Interdisciplinary track has a fluid quality. Potential areas of focus tell the stories of past students: activism, African-American religious studies, community organizing, political theology, ecology and spirituality, engaged compassion, non-profit management, sexuality, gender and religion. Now it’s time to add your own ideas to this inventory of thought, interest and action. You can build a foundation in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament in context, study world Christianity, systematic theology and Christian ethics, and do formational work in spiritual practice. And then, with guidance from your academic advisor, create the direction, focus and next step in your future.

MTS Interdisciplinary Track Curriculum:

MTS Core Requirements – 18 credits

Interreligious Studies – 6 credits

TIR3001 Interreligious Dialogue and Leadership (3 credits)

Elective in Interreligious Studies or Second Religious Tradition (3 credits)

Electives – 12 credits

Area of Focus – 30 credits

Ten courses in a specialization supported by current CST course work, chosen in consultation with advisor.

TOTAL – 48 credits

Potential Areas of Focus

Activism & Social Justice

African & African-American Religious Studies

Arts, Religion, & Culture

Comparative Studies in Religion

Constructive & Political Theology

Contemplative Leadership

Contemplative Studies

Decolonial Studies

Dharma Traditions

Ecology & Spirituality

Ecological Civilization

Engaged Compassion

Ethics & Social Change

Hebrew Bible & Jewish Studies

History of Christianity

Interfaith Care & Counseling

Interreligious Education

Interreligious Studies

Islam in Interreligious Dialogue

Jain Studies

New Testament & Christian Origins

Pacific & Asian American Studies in Religion

Philosophy of Religion

Practical Theology

Preaching for Liberation

Process Studies

Religion & the Arts

Religion, Ethics, & Society

Religious Education

Sexuality, Gender, & Religion

Spiritual Formation

Spirituality & Sustainability

Social Change


United Methodist Studies

Want to learn more?

Reach out to the Admissions Counselor for this program, Karen Gonzalez, by emailing or by using the below link to submit an inquiry form.

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Requirements and Deadlines

Take a look at this program’s admissions requirements and deadlines by clicking here.

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A great theological education dismantles everything you assumed to be “right” and helps you rebuild with true understanding. My CST experience was life-altering. I am changed and on fire to transform the world.
Abigail Clauhs '17